Monday, July 20, 2009

BlogHer Sponsorship! has selected #23 as the winner of my sponsorship. Congrats to Amy, Selfish Mom!

Traded My BMW for a Minivan is thrilled to be offering one $100 sponsorship to any blogger attending BlogHer 2009 in Chicago this week! Traded my BMW for a Minivan understands economic times are tough and every little bit helps. That's why I want to sponsor one attendee!!!!

How to enter: Enter a comment....Any comment....Below. Contest has been extended due to the HUGE amount of interest: Entry deadline is Thurs, July 23 at 6:00 pm Central Time. Leave your e-mail address so I can contact you. Winner will be selected at random from Winner will be presented with $100 prize in a grand ceremony in the Sheraton gift shop by one member of Traded My BMW for a Minivan's steering committee. Winner must be attending BlogHer and be present at the gift shop ceremony to win. Thank you and good luck!


Jennifer Taggart, TheSmartMama said...

Woot! I want to win . . . .

Anonymous said...


Liz Dwyer said...

This is soooo awesomely funny. I love it.

Email is

Caryn Bailey said...

seriously??? You ROCK! I so can't wait to meet u
caryn at rockinmama dot net

Kim Tracy Prince said...

I love it. You're hilarious. I'll settle for a mudslide. What the hell.

Jenn said...

Superstar!! I'm entering on principle ;).

h.jenn2 at gmail dot com

Lex - @laprimera said...

Wait, what are the rules? (snort!) You are a force, woman!

Liz said...

Since I got kicked out of the other contest, I am entering!! Woot!

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...


melissa at

Melanie Sheridan said...

Wow! This is so generous of you. I'm so overwhelmed with all the things I still need to do, but sleep is for the plane! LOL!

Gwynne said...

I so want to win!

Mary said...

Wow that is awesome!

amerrylife (at) gmail (dot) com

Stefanie said...

Loves it!


Heather said...

I love award ceremonies!

heatherspohr at gmail dot com

Stephanie said...

This would be so cool and an some extra cash during the event will help so much. Thanks!

seliecreative (at)

Anonymous said...

You have great giveaways, Elizabeth! Thanks!

Ms. Mama said...

Will a 100 bucks get me there? And into the conference? I am down. Count me in.

I'll be there in 4 hours. Give or take. I pack quickly.

CheekySweetie said...

What a cool way to help a blogger out, thanks for the opportunity!
Angelm.smith at gmail dot com

brownandbridal said...
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brownandbridal said...

Tragically, the lack of sleep is affecting my brain so I forgot to include my email!... Uhhh DUH! LOL

Its! Pick me Pick me! Oh logarithm PICK ME!!!

Unknown said...

I'd love to win. Can a proxy pick it up?

Leticia- Tech Savvy Mama said...

I'll be there and I'd love to win!

tech savvy mama at g mail dot com

Twitter: techsavvymama

bonggamom said...

I'll be there and I promise to primp myself up for the awards ceremony if I win :)

Selfish Mom said...

Hey, I like money!