Stay tuned for my next giveaway, later today!

Beginning Monday, December 1, 2008 I am running a giveaway of one (1) Nintendo Wii and one (1)Wii Fit with Balance Board to be awarded together. The contest will run through Wednesday, December 10, 2008* at which time a winner will be chosen by
I love the Wii and Wii Fit and am totally hooked. I love it so much that I'm totally excited to give someone else the opportunity to win one as well! Wii and Wii Fit are like no other video game experience. This is nothing like the videogames of my childhood! Wii is not just a video game console, it's a reason to get together with your family and friends and have fun. It is so easy and interactive, it really is a video game for EVERYONE. Now they have added the Wii Fit, a combination of fitness and fun. With Wii Fit you can do yoga, balance games, strength training and aerobics. Maybe one day I feel like snowboarding, the next yoga and the next boxing. It's so great to always be able to mix it up. With Chip and Lulu, getting regular exercise is tough. With the Wii Fit, I can actually sneak some extra fitness time into my day.
So now you totally want them, right? How do you enter? Here's how: enter a comment below telling me WHICH ROOM in your home you would put your Wii Fit in and WHY? Make sure you INCLUDE your e-mail address in your comment. Failure to complete all 3 requirements for your comment will disqualify you. I can't stand it when people don't follow directions....
Oh, and only enter one time, if you would be so kind? Multiple entries will be disqualified. Let's give everyone a fair chance?
At the end of the contest time, I will utilize the services of to select the winner. You will be notified by me via e-mail at which point I will gather all necessary info for the folks at Nintendo to ship you your GRAND PRIZE the Wii Console AND Wii Fit!
*Contest end time may be extended at blog owner's discretion.
I would put a Wii in my living room because, um, it's the only room where we have a TV?
operationmama AT gmail DOT com
I would put a Wii in our living room because it is a comfortable setting where we can share Wii as a family.
iranpala AT yahoo DOT com
I would put it in my daughter's room becuase she would bug the living day-lights out of me to come play it with her, hence my Mommy workout...
I would put the Wii in the play room because I could watch my daughter while she plays.
barefootbelly at gmail DOT com
I would set up my Wii in my living room for two reasons...1) it's the only room with a TV but it's a giant plasma so at least that's a plus and 2) we've set up a play area with a big ABC mat on the wood floor (for my son) so it won't hurt so bad when I eat it trying to balance on my Wii Fit!! ;-)
I would put a Wii in my family room downstairs RIGHT next to my work studio...maybe that way my hubby will separate himself from his computer upstairs and come down and hang for a bit! :) Plus it will qualify as "playing" with my daughter if I hold her wile I work out on it, right?
I would put it in the bonus room, in the BACK of the house because Lord knows I don't need any passer-by -ers seeing me fall off that Wii fit board!
jillian AT webyost DOT com
The living room.
That's where the biggest TV is located. Also, my kids can bowl while I am fixing dinner.
Tracy -
i would put it in our living room since that is where our biggest TV is...and it has the most room to play!
Lynn DOT morford AT verizon DOT net
Ours would go in our living room, because it's the only room with enough space in front of the TV to work out!
I want the Wii in our family room because that is where the TV is and that is where I will be working out with the Wii Fit!
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
It would go in my living room -- that's the main room we gather (other than the kitchen!)and has our family TV. My kids come back from their friends' houses raving about the Wii!
I would put a WII in our living room because we could use it as a family when the kids are awake and when they are asleep the living room is far enough from the bedrooms that my hubby and I can play and not wake the kids. Judye
I would put the Wii Fit in my living room - yes because it has the most room to play tennis but also to bug just a little big the folks downstairs with the loud kid (not so much their fault) and the INSANELY LOUD NANNY WHO SHOUTS EVERYTHING SHE SAYS. Then I would feel virtuous for at least not putting it over her bedroom.
JenMaisel AT AOL DOT com
I would put it in my living room. So when I watch people do the hula hoop, I will already be sitting down and won't hurt myself colapsing from laughter.
If we were to win the Wii/WII Fit, it would definitely go in our living room, mainly because there is room to move and I can watch the kids while I make dinner. It will be easy to jump in and take a turn if it's that close too! We need one! My kids always want to go to their friends who have the Wii--nice to have them want to say home.
I would put the Wii in our family room so that everyone could use it!
I would put it in the tv room, since that's the only room with a big tv, but would have to move all the hard furniture so I don't hurt myself.
I would put the Wii and Wii Fit in my den. This way I could work out while watching the kids. They would think I'm playing with them, ultimately shoooo me away, giving me a much needed workout then some even more needed time to myself.
I Would put my Wii fit in my den to encourage my 5 children to get of the couch.
I would put the Wii in our family room as that's where we usually gather. The dogs can watch us play, too. :-)
hijola AT yahoo DOT com
My 3 girls would love a Wii! We really only have one living space, so that's where it would go. The bathroom would be a bad choice as would the kitchen. the bedrooms that has a tv is too small.
easy decision for us.
helen at drhelen dot com
I would put it in the family room so that we could use it after the kids go to bed without fear of waking them. Oh yeah, and so the kids could use it during the day too. :-)
The Wii Fit would need to go in our living room because that's where our giant screen TV is (better graphics!) and there's a big rug with lots of room to spread out.
I would put my Wii Fir in our den because it's the only room with a TV that does not have giant mirrors it it. That way I could workout without having to peer at my jiggly fat ass. Yikes.
Our living room is the best place for this beauty because it's also our family room and a great place to play games, game and more games! : )))
Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))
I would put the Wii in our living room because it has the most room to play and that is where we all gather as a family.
I would put my Wii in our living room because that is where the family hangs out and plays games.
I would put it in the living room. If it's readily accessible, hopefully that would help me exercise more.
eunicechoi at gmail dot com
I would put a Wii + Wii Fit in my basement because that's where our biggest TV is and that is where we spend most of our time as a family!
the family room so the whole family could enjoy it :)
pennyraine at
blessings, Penny Raine
The Wii would go in the living
room where there is more space
to move!
Sorry here is my email address:
I'd put it in our family room where the kids already wore out 4 Dance Dance Revolution Pads!!! Time for a new game!!!
I would put a Wii in my family room where we have lots of room to move around and everyone can take turns.
Same here - I assume it needs to be in the same room as the TV, and I've only got one of those - in the living room : )
robertasword AT yahoo DOT com
We'd definitely put the Wii Fit in the finished basement, the only place we have carpet (so when we fall over laughing at each other it won't hurt). :)
arianne AT tothinkistocreate DOT com
What a fantabulous giveaway.
If I were to win I would definitely put it in the living room b/c it's where there is the most room & the largest tv. Unfortunately I live in a shoebox size house with 3 boys & one large man child. All the other tv's are taken up with their systems already.
I asked for a Wii for Xmas & my boys laughed at me.
Nice kids...I am thinking of putting them up for adoption. LOL
Thanks again!
mkw70 (at) comcast (dot) net
In my bedroom or playroom, depending on whether or not I wanted to share with my kids! :)
cheeseparty AT gmail DOT com
it would have to go in the living room...only room w/ a TV!!
Well, as much as I'd love to hide the only TV's in the house are in the living room and in my son's room!!! So... Living room it is - it has the best floor space anyways and is where I do yoga.
hellokittiemama at gmail dot com
I'd put it in the basement guest room where my son's games reside--and where I used to work out on the rower before we had to move it. (because) we all play and stretch together down there!
I would put it in my living room, because it's the only room with a nice TV.
bagmomma AT gmail DOT com
I would put it in my family room so that I could put my dogs in the bedroom when I wanted to play with it!
The Wii Fit would find a home right in the family room. It's the center of the house and the place where we all gather.
karen at karenputz dot com
We only have a TV in one room; in the basement. Luckily the basement has nice plush carpeting, and my son can play with his toys while Mommy exercises. Most likely though, my son will exercise while Mommy does laundry!
delorap at yahoo . com
(and lol, my word verification is 'pregers')
I would put the Wii in my family room and all four of us would thoroughly enjoy!
I'd put mine in the family room right off the kitchen and next to the boys' playroom. It's an open space that serves as roller rink, basketball court, football field, tennis court, and gymnastics arena any given day of the week anyway. Maybe my furniture won't get so trashed if we have a Wii Fit!
theewens AT gmail DOT com
The Wii would find a home in my living room because it's the one area where we spend most of our time!
darlinghill [*/AT/*] gmail [*/DOT/*] com
It my living room b/c thats where out tv is!
I would put it in my livingroom. why, you ask - because I do not have room in any other part of my tiny home :)
great give-away!
I have been drooling over this for sooo long! I would put my Wii in the living room because that's where the projector is and is my favorite place to workout and play.
Ashleeallen at gmail dot com
So we would put the entire thing in the bedroom shared by my two youngest boys. It's a large room with lots of open floor space so we could really move around and all hang out together.
That's step one and step two. Here's my email address (I'm really good at following directions).
2kopeople AT gmail DOT com
or click here.
I would put the Wii in my family room since it would be a family gift and something we all could use together. Plus, that room has the most room for all of the tennis, bowling, etc. we'll be doing. I mean when I think about skiing, I totally think family room, don't you? :-)
Totally going right in the living room. We homeschool and the living room is like the epicenter of our existence. Would love to get the kids exercising with me. You know, as opposed to fighting with each other. phatmommy AT gmail DOT com
Great giveaway! I would put the Wii and Wii Fit in the living room, to make me more likely to use it - if it's out of sight it would be out of mind!
I would put the wii in my bedroom, because that is the only room in the house that I have any peace (the rest of the house belongs to my husband and twin one year old daughters).
email: geminidrama64 at aol dot com
Defintely the living room as it's the only room with enough space in my apt and it has the larger tv. kimstoys at gmail dot com
I will be putting the Wii in my living room because that's the only place we have a TV. BTW, my son told me yesterday, that there are 2 ways to spell the word "we". Really, I asked? Yes, "we" and "wii". Lovely.
Thanks for the contest!
hjanse at gmail dot com
I'm actually for the first time excited about potentially bringing a video game console into my house! The Wii and Wii fit would go in my living room. Our 1100 sqft house only has room for one TV, and it's placed in our living room.
My email: njkdonohue at gmail dot com
I would put it in our basement family-tv room. We have a big screen television and it would be a great place for us all to get a little exercise and entertainment.
at first i think, oh i would put in my bedroom so i could do wiifit at night. then i think NO, the living room so we can play it with family, then i think NO the basement b/c i could do wii fit there AND play with the kids games AND hubby could do wii fit there as well. yes the basement
The Wii would go in the family room because I could cook and watch the kids play at the same time.
Oh who am I kidding? I'd play Wii and order in.
I would put it in my living room so I could do it with my kids while they are playing.
I'd also put it in my living room, as it's the room with the TV and the most space. In fact I'm so excited to be moving to a new place with a bigger room so I'd have room to move while working out with the Wii Fit.
nicole.pelton AT gmail DOT com
I would put a Wii in our bedroom because I can exercise without the neighbors looking in and won dering what the heck I'm doing!
bonggamom (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would put it in the bedroom. The livingroom already has tv and computer in there. I like to hide my electronics from view, and there's no where left in the livingroom to stash it. Also I'm not known for my grace and coordination, so if I'm going to be hopping around it's better to be in a low traffic area.
Thanks for the chance,
Elise Derby
I would put the Wii Fit in our livingroom, where we could all use it also it is the only TV in our home :)
The Wii would take residence in our living room becuase we only have one TV in our house and the WHOLE family can enjoy it.
whosthebossblog AT gmail DOT com
Awesome! I'd put it in my basement family room as that is the only TV in the house!
We have one big "great" (although not very big) room that is our living room (our only TV), kitchen and dining room all connected - this is where our WII would go :)
miranda AT msdecor DOT com
I would put it in the family room where the big tv is - because it's the only room where we can actually move around without breaking things!!!
babyfaithblog at gmail dot com
I would put the Wii in my sons' bedroom so he can have fun while not disturbing the rest of us!
In this house it is only Cole, my son, and I. And the choices are limited to the living room and my bedroom. So, I'd pick my bedroom where we both could enjoy it but if the living room is being used otherwise it wouldn't be a conflict. Plus, it would motivated me after he's asleep to move my butt!
I would put the Wii in our garage because we've carpeted it and turned it into a gym (shhhhh....don't tell the city!). My husband has also installed a big flat panel TV out there so we'd be ready to plug and play!
I would put the Wii on our family room since we practically LIVE in there. It is the only room that has a TV and enough room to play. Plus, it would be something else we would do together as a family in that room. THANKS!!
babyloveslings AT
Into the living room, in front of the windows. Gotta make my neighbors jealous.
almaklein AT yahoo DOT com
It would go in the den where the biggest TV is, and there's the most room.
How fun is this!? I would put the Wii in my family room because that is where our TV is! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would put it in my living room - that's where the TV is!! It is also away from the kids' bedrooms. . .I'm not going to pretend the Wii is for them. :)
OMG I totally have to win this.
i would put the Wii in our living/family room because it would be the perfect central location for everyone to gather and play. oh and the kids could play while mommy tends to the adjacent kitchen. which is where mommy always seems to be.
(Delete the last comment - I forgot to include my e-mail address IN the comment!)
I would put the Wii Fit in the basement since the girls could play on it other times and I would have more room to move around.
Thank you for running this generous giveaway!
joynthejourney AT gmail DOT com
I would put it in my living room because it's the only room big enough in my apartment!
I would have to say I'd put the Wii Fit in my living room - mainly because I would want everyone in the house (daughter, nanny and myself) to be able to use it and, well, it's the only tv in the condo!
amy @ amyanderson dot net
I would put our Wii Fit in our living room because it's got some nice bright windows and would be a nice space for the whole family to take advantage of it.
vdruckman at hotmail dot com
I would love the wii fit. We just got Wii for CHristmas. I'm putting it in the basement and I'm looking to get in shape!
I would put it in my office (TV #2) so my son can still watch Bob The Builder in the living room.
I'd put it in our family room because that is where we basicly spend all our time and have the room to put it.
lois AT goodiesformom DOT com
I'd have to join popular consensus and say it goes in the living room--easiest place to get everyone together!
it's totally going in our family/living room...nice tv, lots of space to get fit - can't wait!! the whole fam will love it :)
jane AT thisweekfordinner DOT com
Great prize!
I would put the wii in the living room because it has the biggest tv and we could all enjoy it there.
valmg2 AT gmail DOT com
I would put the Wii and the Wii Fit in the family because that is the place where it would get the most convenient use.
I would put the Wii and Wii Fit in my TV room. Mostly because that's where the TV is, but also because it has enough space that my kids and I could play without knocking things over. Plus my computer desk is in that room, so I could work while the Wii keeps them happily, actively busy.
stimeyland at gmail dot com
I would put it in my bedroom because otherwise the CHILDREN WOULD KILL IT.
ooooo -- I want a Wii Fit!! I would keep it in the living room by the TV, kind of an easy answer for me since I only have the one TV. But it's also where I have enough room to do the exercises.
Thanks for having a contest -- and I love the name of your site!
SAuerswald AT ca DOT rr DOT com
I would put the Wii in our living room because it's we're there is enough space and that's the only Tv we've got in our house!
I totally want this prize! I would put it in my TV room!
Fingers crossed!
-- LTV Mom
laptoptelevision at yahoo . com
I would put the Wii in our living room because it is the only room not taken over by my son!
khau83 AT yahoo DOT com
I would put a Wii in my office which my son has turned into our family room since that's where the TV is and where I am much of the time - especially after he goes to sleep and I clean up his toys to return it to my sanctuary (:
Kathy Gordon
The Wii will be in my family room because it's the only room big enough. mskabich AT gmail DOT com.
I think I would put it in the exercise room...after I buy a new TV.
shadiegirl11 AT yahoo DOT com
I would put the Wii in the living room because I would want the Wii Fit to stare me in the face so that I would USE IT. It's why I keep my treadmill in the kitchen. Also so that when I reach for a piece of cake, I have to think about how far I will have to run to pay for it.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I would love to put it in our family room since that's where we spend the most time and everyone can use it.
dianasrk * gmail dot com
Well we have only one tv in our house and I guess that's pretty important when it comes to playing the Wii I think I would put it in the Family/TV room.
Thanks, Stacy
Ultimately, I would put the Wii Fit in the dream fitness room my husband and I are trying to build, in order to truly round it out and make it complete.
The Wii would have to go in our living/dining/playroom of course. Its our only room with a TV, though not the only one with tons of toys unfortunately. Plus, it might as well serve as a virtual gym as well...
The Wii would live happily and comfortably in my living room for 2 reasons- #1 I am not lucky enough to have more then one TV and the one that I have just happens to be guessed it, the living room. and #2 It might actually keep my butt off the couch. I can hear it yelling at me now.....
It would ALSO be a good place because my kids might want to actually play with it rather then make me watch Super Why for the 4067th time.
I would put it in my living room because that is the only place we have got TV and also because that is the only place in our home where there is enough space for playing Tennis and also for making use of the Wii Fit....
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'd love a Wii or a Wii Fit. Just the idea of having fun and secretly thinking you are doing something FABULOUS for yourself!
Great gift idea for family, too!
I'll put it in the guest room/office. Then I can exercise in private and not in front of my family.
OMG I really need to win this! lol I am one of the 6 Wii Fit Mommiis and I don't have one yet! :( Thanks for the chance!
info at grocerypricebooks dot com
I'd put it on my back deck so everyone at the gym next door can watch me work out for FREE!
Elizabethacron AT yahoo DOT com
I would put it in our living room because it has plenty of space to move.
melanie AT trattnerfamily DOT com
I'd put the Wii in MY bedroombecause if it's downstairs the kids will hog it and I won't get a turn
I would put the WII FIT in my bedroom because there is no action going on in there. I figure getting fit with WII is better than no action at all. :)
xo (Hope all is well :)
I figure I'll put the Wii Fit in my living room where I and the furniture can slide around on the hardwood floors just skating thru the desperately needed exercises!
Pick Me! Pick Me! (Do I sound like some on "Grey's Anatomy?")
Where - my living room.
Why - because there's lots of space to swing a virtual tennis racket!
It would have to go in our family room were our kids will attack it with a vengeance on our big TV!
todd @
Hi! Thanks, Liz, for this opp! The Wii would play in the den, where my mom spends most of her time, and would entice her to have fun and exercise -- and get her hand-eye coordination working again, especially with the bowling, which she misses!
I would put the Wii in my bedroom so I can do backflips off my bed while swinging that joystick around.
I would put a Wii in my living room, because that's where the party is. Come one, come all, drink champagne and play Rock Band with me all day.
But my real dream is to put the Wii Fit in in my exercise room. Not that I have one. But I aspire to, and how great would it be to rock out by night in the living room, do downward facing dog by morning in my Wii Fit room?
- Leah
I would put the AWESOME Wii and the Wii Fit in my living room. It's more fun to play with a group! :)
- Katie B.
i would put a Wii in my living room, so my parents could participate with me.
No question my Wi would go in the bathroom...
where I somehow spend a lot of time, as it's situated twixt the bedroom and the living room...maybe I could put the monitor on a swivel arm and keep the gaming goin' nonstop. Now, if only the kitchen were closer...
I would definitely put the Wii in my living room because I spend way too much time in that room sitting on my butt and watching TV. A Wii would be a fun way for me to be more active, while still hanging out in my favorite room:)
I would put it in my sister's basement in Virginia. She has three growing boys and they would get more use out of it than me.
I guess part of my crazy antics would be to forget my e-mail..I'm probably disqualified!
My Wii & Wii Fit will be perfect in our living room! We live in a townhome so there's really no other place where we can all play together. I'm hoping the Wii will actually get my husband to try yoga with me ;) He needs it!
I'd put it in our living room because it's got the biggest TV and has the most floorspace.
cynicaldad AT gmail DOT com
I would put the Wii I win in the basement so my kids would stay down there while I watch football. Far too many games have been interrupted by the Sponge Bob man.
I would put my Wii in the living room since that is the only room where I can extend both arms without bumping into furniture or walls!
I would put it in our soon to be family room...currently being converted from a bedroom! It would be the perfect addition for the whole family to use and enjoy without our living room being destroyed. Perfect for winter when the kiddos can't get out to burn off energy. I can get my exercise too :)!
Wow! You have a lot of readers! I am impressed!
I would put the Wii in my living room since it's the only room in the house with a TV.
Good luck with the contest.
I'd put the Wii in our living room so we all could enjoy the Wii craze. Sounds like fun!!!
I would put my Wii in my living room as I have my TV and surround sound system in my living room
prabhatkk AT gmail DOT com
The Wii Fit would go downstairs in the basement because it has the largest free space to move around in and that´s also where the TV is....
Dennis DeVries
ddevries AT t-online DOT de
Which room? Living room.
Why? Our bdrms are small but we actually live in the living room. Its the office, gym & entertainment center.
I'd put a wii in the living room because that's the only room big enough to play in!
Holy cow,it seems like 3 billion people want that wii!
I'd put it in our family room because A)it's the biggest room, B)it has the biggest TV in the house, and C)it's way in the back so nobody can see or hear us when we fall on our butts and die laughing.
I'd put it in the living room, that's the only place in the house where there's room to swing a cat. Actually we have two cats, but I've never tried to swing them both. Hmm. Does the Wii controller offer a yowling feline simulator? I'll bet it's cheaper to feed too.
Chip (and i do admire your son's nickname...)
I would put the Wii in our family room so the whole family could use it (and it's the only room with an appropriately sized TV....)
stephen DOT willard AT gmail DOT com
Well uh the 2 centers of my universe at home are the table at in the eat-in kitchen and the living room. Seeing as it is not safe or sanitary to work out on the dining table, and the only place where the 6 (yep 4 girls plus my wife and me) can congregate...and I could play Wii in between the sporting events, Sponge Bob and the Food Network, The Wii would have to go in the living room. My daughters actually want it even more than I do...isn't that special?
Mike P.
If Santa or TMBFAM were to bestow upon me a WiiFit, like the others I would put it in my living room so my children could help me reach deep levels of zen during my yoga sessions.
Happy Holidays!
I would put it in my living room because we have a flat screen in there. Fun!
dayna AT citymommy DOT com
I would put a Wii in our living room because it's where the only tv in the house, I'D be using it a lot but would need to keep an eye on my three kids! -Marianne
Dearest Liz,
I will put the nintendo wii& wii fit
In my 4 kid's rooms
So they will play it at 545am
Instead of waking me!
When I get out of bed
I will use the wii fit thrice weekly to keep in shape and
Keep up
With them!
I'd put it in the den so that my husband can finally have our TV remote all to himself (think Golem and The Precious) while i play games with the wii
ma112830 AT comcast DOT net
I would put the Wii in the living room, right next to our tv. Although we would have to block off the area when we play so our two doggies don't try to get in on the action!
Fantasy -- I would put it in our guest house in the back so that I can truly get away and work out.
Reality -- I would put it in the middle of our living/family room in our 2-bedroom apartment :) because it would fit anywhere else!
If I won a WII, I would put it in the family room. We are finally going to buy at flat screen and it would be perfect!~
I'd put it in my living room because that's where the big screen is and where we spend our time. It's the perfect place to get fit!
I would set it up in the bedroom so I could exercise first thing in the morning before I find some reason to procrastintate.
Wii would put it in our family room so the whole family could play together, and get fit together!!!
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner~
bsilke AT adelphia DOT net
I would put the Wii in my living room for the wholw family to use! It will be a perfect addition to family game night!
I would put my wii in the basement because thats where I can get away from my husband and his xbox 360.
Hello PH'er! The Wii would go to the living room. We live in an apartment, and I would feel less awkward about making audible jumping sounds there.
Melissa me1issa2 at yahoo dot com
I would love to put put a Wii in the Living Room. The biggest TV is in there and I would definitely get some good use out of the Wii Fit. Right now the only exercise equipment we have is a beer pong table. C'mon!!!
I will put it in my new living room...come on Mama needs a new console!
My husband got me a fancy shcmancy gym membership for my birthday and then I got pregnant. So I didn't use the membership to it's fullest potential and we were both annoyed at that! Now I need to work off some baby weight so I would put the WII FIT IN MY LIVING ROOM!! That way everyone can watch [me] enjoy it :)
My living room is the only area that has enough room to move!
singforhim94 gmail com
I would put my WiiFit in the family room or in the basement...most likely the has the most space and the biggest tv. I will also have the most privacy down there!
I would put it in our theater room so there is room for our friends and their kids to come over and get fit! rebecca AT parkerwhite DOT com
I would have to put it in my living room because I am always in there. And if it is anywhere else then 'Out of sight, out of mind.'
mel {dot} bail {dot} mama {at} gmail {dot} com
Yes, I hate my long email address.
I would put the Wii in my family room since it has the most area to work out in! :)
I would put the Wii in my bedroom, as it is the only place my roommate wouldn't steal it.
thmpr07 AT gmail DOT com
I am shamed: somehow I posted my previous comment before including my e-mail address. Here ii all is again (please be kind, my brain is fuzzy from too much Twitter):
If I won a Wii I would put it in my family room so my son could use it while participating in one-on-one Applied Behavior Analysis therapy. He has used one at my nephew's and responds impressively well to the interface and games available on it.
doctorious [at] generative [dot] com
Haveing been diagnosed with pre-diabetes 2.5 months ago I could really use this in losing the 60# I need to and to get motivated to keep going.
(1) The wii fit would go in our family room
(2) Because the living room has the most room and I can still keep an eye on the kiddies.
(3) adiwaly [at] gmail [dot] com
I would put the fabulous Wii in my "dressing room" because it's a pretty large space and then my in-laws won't have to see my fat butt working out on it and can watch their Korean Dramas instead... As soon as I move the crib outta there...
Love always,
I would put it in my living room because that's where the TV is! And because it's the biggest room. :-)
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
ladyufshalott at
I would put a Wii in my living room so my hubby and I could lose weight. We'd see it and have to do it, lol.
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