Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Win a Flip Video Camera! has chosen a winner for the Flip Video Camera: Elisa from California.  Thanks to all my readers for entering.....More giveaways coming up!

Lunchables TourOscar Mayer Lunchables Lunch Combinations is doing a "Lunch Your Tummy Right Tour" this summer. Kids are different and have different interests when it comes to sports. But, most of all, they need some encouragement to participate in sports and get on the road to a healthy, active life. The Tour is heading cross country with stops in many cities. Their aim is to inspire kids to achieve success. Visit Lunchables to see the full tour schedule, see how your kids can enter to win a week at Camp Woodward and play Lunchables games.

As part of the Tour, kids will also be encouraged to get active by climbing a giant inflatable wall and playing a series of educational games on an interactive bus. “The Lunchables team believes that a well-lunched tummy is the key to success,” said Darin Dugan, Senior Director of Marketing, Lunchables. “The Lunchables Lunch Your Tummy Right Tour is the perfect outlet to help kids discover and enhance their talents.”

Oscar Mayer Lunchables is promoting The "Lunch Your Tummy Right Tour" with Flip Video. They sent me a Flip to try out. I love it! I'm hooked! It is so easy to use...I didn't even have a chance to read the directions and I was able to use it no problem. It's small, light and easy to tuck into my bag and pull out in a second. All those times when you wish you could catch something on video? Now you can. And the quality is amazing. The best part is that it's all digital. You record on the Flip and then you can download to your computer. This Flip Video Ultra records 120 minutes. No tapes or disks to deal with! With my life spinning out of control at times with two toddlers, the is exactly what I need. I was able to take it to Chip's last day of preschool and get some really cute clips with his classmates and teachers. Then you just slide out the USB connection on the side of the Flip and plug directly into the USB port on your computer. How awesome is that? FlipVideo

It gets better....The nice people at Oscar Mayer Lunchables have given me a Flip Ultra to giveaway to one of my readers! With a MSRP of $149.99, The Flip is an excellent way to capture your summer memories. Here is how you enter: Contest period runs from Wednesday, July 1, 2009 at midnight (Pacific) until Wednesday, July 8, 2009 at midnight (Pacific). Enter by leaving a comment, any comment and leave your e-mail address. If you don't leave your e-mail address, I cannot contact you if you win and your entry will be disqualified. One entry per person. Winner must provide a US mailing address. At the end of the contest period, I will utilize to randomly choose a winner. Winner will be announced the business day following the end of the contest period. Winner has 72 hours to respond to my e-mail. If winner does not respond within 72 hours, The Flip will go to the second place winner as decided by Good luck!


Linda Perry said...

I need to win it. Amber is trying to take my Flip from me.
Linda Perry

malibusu said...

I hope I win....I love my Flip but would really like to upgrade to the 120 minutes one! (And you can give away my old one on your site, if you like ;)

michelle woo said...

I just bought my dad one for Father's Day hoping that he'd be like "what is this thingamabob?" and not use it and therefore letting it land back into my hands. Unfortunately, he LOVES it and takes it everywhere he goes, so, well, I still need one! Enter me, please!

P.S. Hi Liz! I met you at the Nintendo E3 party.


Christina DeYoung said...

OMG! i love this cool gadget and I really need one to capture all of my family.
Cool blog, thanks for sharing, a newbie!

PnP said...

Must win Flip, really would love one! Crossing fingers (and toes).

:-) Debra

Viclen1954 said...

This would be perfect to take clips of baby and puppy!

Anonymous said...

I would like to win this!!!

leesy said...

I would love to win a flip - my digital SLR doesn't do video and I just had a baby! Thanks!
elisa marks

Unknown said...

Great blog! Thanks for sharing! Would love a Flip Video Camera!


Unknown said...

I'm Flipping over this giveaway. I love taking pictures, so being able to bring them to life is amazing.

This is the most sought after camera around. Hopefully, I will be so lucky to win it.

Love the title of your blog anyway.

Katharine Vieceli said...

What a great name for a blog! Love it!

Liz said...

I'd like to win, thanks!

shani Barel-Desser said...

I'd love o win a flip, and even if not, it's great to find your blog, you're funny! Love the name too; I drive my minivan and keep telling myself that I'm cool. even my kids don't buy it.


Anonymous said...

I would love to win a Flip!

Julie Daniel

pattie fitzgerald said...

What a great give away! I'm crossing my fingers. ( : I love that darn Flip- just saw my friend's and got addicted. On a separate note... been reading your blog more and more and it's terrific. Congrats. PS -- I'm going back east soon to hit my Dunkin Donuts AND Friendly's Ice Cream Shop! Happy Summer to you and your family.
xo pattie fitzgerald

Anonymous said...

LOVE the title of your blog! I can't wait to follow you as you go through your journey of life! (how cheeseball did that sound?!)
And I would LOVE to have that camera!!!


Neda said...

Someone stole my video camera from the Universal Studios bathroom while I was changing my kids out of their bathing suits next to the Curious George water area. Am bummed about the loss, especially all our memories from that day. Would really LOVE to win!

Anonymous said...

Trying to decide if I should buy one but maybe I will just win this one.

melanie at

Suzanne said...

This is the first time I've entered one of your giveaways. Let's hope I have beginner's luck!

Timothy, Laura & Callum Joyce said...

gotta love the flip! hope you're well. we miss you guys!


Anonymous said...

Oh, the very idea of being able to take spontaneous video of my children, easily download it, and send it across the country to my MIL... hurray!

Mommas in the House said...

I would SOOOOOOOOOOOOO love this for my new baby, or even in the hospital giving birth, to capture that moment.

jovial dream said...

Love to capture the kids before they grow up.
Nina Im

Anonymous said...

All I can say is PICK ME!!
How exciting is this! I love that you have tried the Flip Video Camera and are giving 2 thumbs up! I have twins that I would LOVE to start capturing them video. It sounds so EASY!! I enjoy the blog as it is very helpful! Thank you!

Bobbye said...

This seems easy enough, even for someone like me who is very tech challenged! I have my grandkids spend the night once a week and I would love the chance to be able to film them. If I win, I will definately make good use of the camera!!
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Great blog entry, as always! I'd love to win a Flip Video Camera.

Your fan,


Anonymous said...

Would just love to have the Flip to video all the exciting activities that my daughter does!

Unknown said...

Have been wanting one of these, woudl be so great to take easy video of the babies!

javamom said...

I have heard so much about The Flip that I really want to try one out! If I win, I will try it out and then I will decide whether I will selfishly keep it for myself or let my mother have it as she has never found a video camera she has felt comfortable with before, but I suspect she could handle a Flip.

My Open ID seems to not work appropriately so I will give you my email addy in munged form b/c I hate spambots:

javamom at caffeineandaprayer dot com

ESC said...

so many things to record....hope i win!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog :)
I wanna win.


Blogging Contests said...

I would love to win this Flip. And thanks to the sponsors and you for holding this contest!

My e-mail is bloggingcontests1 [at]

Thanks! And good luck to everyone!


Unknown said...

Love Lunchables...always have since they came out. Would love a Flip.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaways!


Unknown said...

Who doesn't want a flip. I would like one for myself as I shop in many ethnic markets and can document all the goings on!

Gail Conn

Eunice said...

If I win, I will give Chip his gun back.

eunicechoi at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

At least there is nothing on this blog about MJ. Love Oscar Mayer.

decafskimlatte at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Fox News used to be a beacon for conservatives, not anymore.


darlingella said...
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Anonymous said...

Just cause I don't have one.

Unknown said...

I would love to win this as I plan to add videos to my repertoire as products as well as short ones for my website! This is an incredible opportunity... Joan ~ ( Nurturing Nana Postpartum Services... Peachhead Nana!)

Joyce Rocks said...
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Joyce Rocks said...

I don't have a camera-just the function on my cell phone, so this would be great.


Anonymous said...

I would totally flip if I was lucky enough to win this! Fantastic giveaway, thanks for the chance.

pinkaboo_uk [@] yahoo [dot] com

ba said...

Flip, yes please.


Anonymous said...

Have to admit, not ready to trade in the minivan yet after 12 years....but am ready to take videos- tired of asking others to make copies of events for me:)

Mocha Dad said...

Nice giveaway. I hope I win.

L.A. Story said...

My husband would be so happy. I keep stealing his! :)

Rachel said...

I'm desperate to win a Flip camera. We really need a camera but I'm way too lazy to go buy one.


Unknown said...

This is great!
mandie porick (at) hotmail dot com

Fresh Brothers said...

Finally had a chance to check out your blog! Wow! Can I get it emailed to me everytime you update it? If so, how? Thanks!

Amber Perry said...

I wAnt to win because my mom won't give me hers and I love it Amber Perry

Sandra said...

Could really use a Flip since we have nothing at the moment. We may just skyrocket into the 21st century.

Anonymous said...

ooooh, i wanna win!!

and P.S....i have some new recruits for the RMC....

Kim Tracy Prince said...

Well, well. What a perfect giveaway!

robin said...

I gave my son a flip for his birthday and then I just started to act like it was mine...he's amenable to that arrangement, just makes the occasional snide comment...but I'd feel a lot less guilty if I had my own!

joe said...

would love to get my hands on one of those...

Amy Jo said...

Count me in! cheeseparty (at) gmail (dot) com

Amy from Occupation: Mommy said...

I have been wanting one of these! Thanks!

Selfish Mom said...


Unknown said...

What a great giveaway!

Stimey said...

I've been dreaming of having a Flip for a long, long time. Great contest!
stimeyland at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Gotta love a great give-away!

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Oooh! I love electronics!

goonsquadsarah at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

i'm always missing my kids' great moments because our camera battery isn't charged up or we don't have a tape available. this would greatly help matters...


Anonymous said...

I would love to have this one...

Debbie said...

Love reading about all of your kid "adventures." Wow, 120 minutes of recording sounds great. What a cool prize.

Anonymous said...

Love it...need it...just gotta have it!

workout mommy said...

I've had Flip envy for a long time, I'd love to win. Thank you!


Leticia- Tech Savvy Mama said...
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Leticia- Tech Savvy Mama said...

Whoops! Forgot my e-mail for my entry!

tech savvy mama at g mail dot com

Thanks again!

Unknown said...

It would be nice to have a video camera small enough to fit in a my purse. I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

I will FLIP if I win this FLIP! It's my daughter's 13th birthday today, and I would love to get more videos of my girls. Enjoyed looking over your blog....June Poyourow

Susan Bearman said...

Our video camera is too complicated. I keep screwing it up. Give me this small simple gadget and i will be happy.

2kopeople at gmail dot com

bonggamom said...

I'd love to win one of these, it's so small and easy to use! I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

bonggamom (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

Looks great. Easy, Simple, just what I need. Love your blog. Your comments are awesome.

Anonymous said...

flips are so easy and fun to use - oliver stole ours so i would love one for myself!!!

Mary Kate said...

I would love to win a flip. I had a chance to try one out this Spring and found it so easy.

marykatenj (at) gmail (dot) com

CynthiaO said...

If its that easy to use then I think I could handle it.

Judi Silverman said...

I would Flip for a Flip. I have a new grandchild that I would love to video!

Judi said...
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Anonymous said...

I want to win!!!

Jimmie said...

That Flip is one handy little gadget. Well done getting hold of one to give away!

Erin I said...

Oooh....that's so cool you have a giveaway! Thanks for all your kind words and support and help!

Unknown said...

Since the Paypal fiasco, I think I deserve a flip. Your blog about Ringling almost makes me want to I just need a kid.

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! I'd love to win and take videos of my little one.

Brian porick (at) hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'd flip for the flip!!!


Lois Leonhardi said...

I'd love a flip video camera!!!!

Matt said...

Great idea! I'd love to have one to use with the kids. Hi Liz!

AudMom said...

I love Flip Video Cameras! Must win one!

Leah said...

I made my first video camera movie when I was 12 using all little kids as the cast. Now I live in LA and don't have a regular camera, let alone a Flip. Since I work behind a screen all day, I'd like to put my own memories onto one!

Anonymous said...

The Flip Video Camera sounds super cool to me! Would love to win one and take great pictures of the family! I need to advance into the 21st Century!!

Goobzbee said...

Wouldn't it be a trip
to win a flip?

Ian Davis said...

Can I win some lunchables, too? I'm very hungry right now.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Flip and really, really want one, pretty please w/ a cherry on top. :)

Anonymous said...

thanks for your blogs - have been a constant reader since I was introduced to you
Lily Tanaka

Unknown said...

With the new baby on the way, this would be a great gadget to have with us in the hospital so that my husband can send family and friends little snippets of her first hours easily with our laptop. What a cool thing!
Carrie Miller

Gabrielle Herendeen said...

Would LOVE to win the Flip! I'm not too hip to all the latest technology, but when I saw one of these a few months ago, I knew I would love to have one. Maybe this is my chance?!

Kathy said...

I love reading your blog..I miss CA!! I would (of course) love to win. Who doesn't want to capture those precious and crazy life moments.

Anonymous said...

Just came over from CityMommy. Great blog! These Flip cameras are all the rage, aren't they?


Thien-Kim aka Kim said...

My husband would love this, as he's always filming our (mundane) day to day activities on our old camera. Of which we never download the videos.

My email is kimstoys at gmail dot com

Riva Takahashi said...

Would love a Flip to record special moments.

Riva Takahashi

Nile Pharaoh said...

would love to have one for sure

Dana said...

I've heard great things about the Flip, and I'd love to win one (besides, my b-day is in a few days, so it could be a present to myself!)

caroline said...

Going to Ireland and would love to bring a Flip video camera with me.

Jennifer Taggart, TheSmartMama said...

I need to win it . . my son just broke my flip screen.

Jennifer Taggart

Ginny said...

me too! i lost mine and could totally use one for my summer vacation!

Anonymous said...

Hi MintCool...ah, i LOVE =) What a great service...
hope the circus was a blast, looking forward to seeing you around town-


Troy Corley said...

I'd flip for a Flip Video Camera! Just what I need for my Free Fun Guides Website!

prudence brady said...

Would love to win it, I've played with my friend's Flip and I love it!

JimiBukJung said...

Am I nearly 72 hours from launching my own reality show? If not, "Good bye cruel world, I'm off to join the circus".

Unknown said...

What a nice thing to do! I'll give it a shot!

Coco Street

Baby Talks said...

This looks really cool!

Willis said...
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Willis said...

Talk about silly. Forgot the email address.

Drew M. said...

Would love me some flip...fits on those little tripods better than the new iPhone. drew.Matich "at" gmail "dott" com